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Европейские стратегии в области пищевых продуктов и питания в действии

Европейские стратегии в области пищевых продуктов и питания в действии

Edited by Nancy Milio & Elisabet Helsing
WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No. 73
1998, xiv + 170 pages
ISBN 92 890 1337 0
CHF 43.00/US$ 38.70
Order no. 1310073

This publication describes the experiences of those Member States of the WHO European Region that were among the first to develop food and nutrition policies as part of the regional strategy for health for all. It presents a vast array of experience, insights and points of view on current issues in nutrition policy-making across Europe. These problems, activities and hopes will occupy decision-makers and the public alike, as they take part in the process of defining the new Europe of the next century.

The book addresses a wide audience: policy-makers and leaders in industry, agriculture, health, education, the environment, consumer affairs and the media, and indeed anyone who may be interested in food and nutrition. Its purpose is to acquaint readers with the experiences and lessons to be learned from other countries, and to encourage thoughtful discussion about what the rapidly changing context of Eurpe means for the nutrition and health of all Europeans, whose wellbeing is now more than ever interdependent.

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